Resolve a NameΒΆ

First, obtain ldns and Unbound, compile and install them. To compile a program with its library use this command, assuming unbound was installed in /usr/local:

gcc -o program program.c -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lunbound

First a basic example that shows how to create a context and resolve a host address.

#include <stdio.h>      /* for printf */
#include <arpa/inet.h>  /* for inet_ntoa */
#include <unbound.h>    /* unbound API */

int main(void)
        struct ub_ctx* ctx;
        struct ub_result* result;
        int retval;

        /* create context */
        ctx = ub_ctx_create();
        if(!ctx) {
                printf("error: could not create unbound context\n");
                return 1;

        /* query for webserver */
        retval = ub_resolve(ctx, "",
                1 /* TYPE A (IPv4 address) */,
                1 /* CLASS IN (internet) */, &result);
        if(retval != 0) {
                printf("resolve error: %s\n", ub_strerror(retval));
                return 1;

        /* show first result */
                printf("The address is %s\n",
                        inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)result->data[0]));

        return 0;

Invocation of this program yields the following:

$ example_1
The address is

The code starts by including system header files and unbound.h. Then, the main routine creates the context using the ub_ctx_create() function. If this returns NULL, the program prints an error and exits.

Then, the domain name is resolved using the function ub_resolve(). The ub_resolve invocation takes as arguments the context that was just created, the domain name string and the type and class to lookup. Results are returned in the ub_result structure, unless an error occurs. If an error occurs, retval contains an error code and ub_strerror converts the error code into a readable string, that is printed and the program exits.

If the resolve succeeds, then the results are printed. In this example, the results are not examined in detail, but only if there is data, the first element of data is printed. The result->havedata boolean indicates whether the resolver found data, and result->data[0] is a pointer to the first element of data. The standard C library routine inet_ntoa is used to print out the IPv4 address.

Note that this example program neglects to examine result->len[0] for simplicity. For security, such untrusted data from the internet should be checked. That value should have been 4 (bytes), the length of IPv4 addresses.

At the end of the main routine, the results are freed with ub_resolve_free(result) and the context is deleted with ub_ctx_delete. If you perform multiple lookups, it is good to keep the context around, it performs caching and that will speed up your responses.