
To install your own copy of Unbound you have two options: Use the version provided by your package manager, or download the source and building it yourself.

Installing via the package manager is the easiest option, and on most systems even trivial. The downside is the distributed version can be outdated for some distributions or not have all the compile-time options included that you want. Building and compiling Unbound yourself ensures that you have the latest version and all the compile-time options you desire.

If you’re a first-time user we recommend installing via a package manager.

Installing with a Package Manager

Most package managers maintain a version of Unbound, although this version can be outdated if this package has not been updated recently. If you like to upgrade to the latest version, we recommend compiling Unbound yourself.

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Installing Unbound with the built-in package manager should be as easy as:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install unbound

This gives you a compiled and running version of Unbound ready to be configured.

macOS Big Sur

In this tutorial we make use of the Brew package installer for MacOS. Install brew and, if you’ve never used brew before, give their website a read.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Then use brew to install Unbound.

brew install unbound

This gives you a compiled and running version of Unbound ready to be configured.

Building from source/Compiling

To compile Unbound on any system you need to have the openssl and expat libraries, and their header files. To include the header files we need to get the development version, usually called libssl-dev and libexpat1-dev respectively.

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

First of all, we need our copy of the Unbound code, so we download the tarball of the latest version and untar it.

tar xzf unbound-latest.tar.gz

We’ll need some tools, such as a compiler and the make program.


During installations with the package manager, a screen will come up asking which services need to be restarted. Using the defaults for this is fine.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential

The library components Unbound needs are: libssl libexpat, of which we need the “dev” version. Unbound also uses libldns, but this is included in the tarball we’ve already downloaded.

sudo apt install -y libssl-dev
sudo apt install -y libexpat1-dev

We’ll also need the tools to build the actual program. For this, Unbound uses make and internally it uses flex and yacc, which we need to download as well.

sudo apt-get install -y bison
sudo apt-get install -y flex

With all the requirements met, we can now start the compilation process in the Unbound directory. The first step here is configuring. With ./configure -h you can look at the extensive list of configuration options for Unbound. A nice feature is that configure will tell you what it’s missing during configuration. A common error is for the paths to the two libraries we just installed, which can be manually specified with --with-ssl= and --with-libexpat=.


When configure gives no errors, we can continue to actually compiling Unbound. For this Unbound uses make. Be warned that compiling might take a while.


When we have a successful compilation, we can install Unbound to make available for the machine.

sudo make install

We now have fully compiled and installed version of Unbound, and continue to testing it.

Please note that the default configuration file is located at /usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.conf and created during the make step. This file contains all possible configuration options for Unbound.

macOS Big Sur

In this tutorial we make use of the brew package installer for MacOS. Install brew and give their website a read if you’ve never used brew before.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Then we use brew to install wget.

brew install wget

We can the use wget to download the latest version of Unbound from repository and unpack it.

tar xzf unbound-latest.tar.gz

To compile Unbound on MacOS (or anything really), we need to install the Mac specific development tools called “Xcode”. This is available on the app store and requires ~12 GB space on the hard disk. Alternatively, if you don’t want multiple Gigabytes of largely unused space on your hard disk a slimmed down version also exists called the “Command Line Tools”. This includes all the tools to compile on a Mac can also be installed via the terminal.

xcode-select --install

This command will open a window where the selection can be made of what to install. If you just want the Command Line Tools select this option.

To verify that Xcode is installed correctly we check that we have the gcc compiler by asking for the version.

gcc --version

Next we install the required libraries using brew. Note that when installing these brew will tell you the path to where it has installed the library. The default is the /opt/homebrew/Cellar/ directory, which can become important in the configure step.

brew install openssl@1.1
brew install expat

With all the requirements met, we can now start the compilation process in the Unbound directory. The first step here is configuring. With ./configure -h you can look at the extensive list of configuration options for Unbound. A nice feature is that configure will tell you what it’s missing during configuration. A common error is for the paths to the two libraries we just installed, which can be manually specified with --with-ssl= and --with-libexpat=.


Or alternatively, when configure cannot find libssl and libexpat and brew installed them at the default directory (make sure you fill in the correct version, at the time of writing the latest version of openssl is 1.1.1k and of libexapt is 2.3.0).

./configure --with-ssl=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/openssl@1.1/1.1.1k/ \

When configure gives no errors, we can continue to actually compiling Unbound. For this Unbound uses make. Be warned that compiling might take a while.


When we have a successful compilation, we can install Unbound to make available for the machine.

sudo make install

We now have fully compiled and installed version of Unbound, and can continue to testing it.


A simple test to determine if the installation was successful is to invoke the unbound command with the -V option, which is the “version” option. This shows the version and build options used, as well as proving that the install was successful. You may have to use sudo to run this, depending on the installation.

unbound -V

If all the previous steps were successful we can continue to configuring our Unbound instance.

Another handy trick you can use during testing is to run Unbound in the foreground using the -d option and increase the verbosity level using the -v option multiple times. This allows you to see steps Unbound takes and also where it fails. Another useful, more detailed trick in combination with the foreground is to make Unbound log on the foreground. To do this, the following line needs to be added to the configuration file.

    use-syslog: no

Now that Unbound is installed we can continue to configuring it.